Johnson, Terry L. The Pastor's Public Ministry: Leading in Worship, Praise, Prayer and Preaching (Johnson) $9.00 $12.99
Brown, Mark R. Order in the Offices: Essays Defining the Roles of Church Officers, Second Edition (Brown ed.) $24.50 $34.99
DiPrima, Alex Servants of Christ, Lovers of Men: Spurgeon on Pastoral Ministry (DiPrima) $14.00 $17.99
Edgar, William; Hughes, R. Kent and Poirier, Alfred The Pastor and the Modern World: Reformed Ministry and Secular Culture $10.50 $14.99
Out of stock Charles Jr, H. B. On Preaching: Personal & Pastoral Insights for the Preparation & Practice of Preaching (Charles) $11.00 $13.99 Out of stock
Sale Brown, John (of Edinburgh) The Christian Pastor's Manual: A Selection of Tracts on the Duties, Difficulties, and Encouragements of the Christian Ministry (Brown) $12.00 $40.00
Sale Haykin, Michael & Croft, Brian Being a Pastor: A Conversation with Andrew Fuller (Haykin) $7.00 $15.99
Sale Hill, Megan Partners in the Gospel: 50 Meditations for Pastors' and Elders' Wives (Hill) $11.00 $16.00
Sale Bredenhof, Reuben Weak Pastor, Strong Christ: Developing a Christ-Shaped Gospel Ministry (Bredenhof) $4.20 $14.00
Sale Stewart, Catherine J. ed. Surviving the Fishbowl: Letters to Pastors' Kids (Stewart) $5.40 $18.00
Mbewe, Conrad God's Design for the Church: A Guide for African Pastors and Ministry Leaders (Mbewe) $13.60 $19.99
Beeke, Joel R. & Thompson, Nick Pastors and Their Critics: A Guide to Coping with Criticism in the Ministry (Beeke & Thompson) $13.00 $16.00
Helopoulos, Jason The New Pastor's Handbook: Help and Encouragement for the First Years of Ministry (Helopoulos) $13.50 $18.00
Sale Garretson, James M. Thoughts on Preaching and Pastoral Ministry: Lessons from the Life and Writings of James W. Alexander (Garretson) $10.50 $35.00