Calvin, John
From the private sorrows of Hannah to the action-packed reign of King David, the narratives of 1 and 2 Samuel make for a gripping read. But how do you best study these stories? What bearing do they have on Christ, the New Testament, or your life today? Kay Gabrysch answers these questions while helping us develop a lasting framework for reading biblical narratives.
— Recurring "big questions" explore characterization, setting, worldview, conflict, resolution, and relation to Christ.
— Questions specific to the passages cross-reference to the rest of Scripture.
— Application questions go straight to your heart and life.
"Kay Gabrysch leads us well through these adventuresome stories to the throne of David's greater Son. And she does so in an accessible way that draws us in." — Joseph (Skip) Ryan, Chancellor and Professor of Practical Theology, Redeemer Seminary, Dallas
"Gracious and accessible, Gabrysch introduces her readers into the world of sound biblical interpretation by emphasizing the storied nature of Scripture." — Michael Williams, Professor of Systematic Theology, Covenant Seminary, St. Louis
"Our women’s Bible study was blessed in several ways and on several levels as we worked our way through Kay Gabrysch’s study of 1 and 2 Samuel. Kay’s thoughtful framework and insightful questions helped us to engage these Old Testament narratives with heightened expectation." — Richard Colquitt, Assistant Pastor for Community Formation, Christ the King Presbyterian Church, Houston
Author Bio
Kay Gabrysch has been leading Bible studies for over twenty years. She teaches at Park Cities Presbyterian Church in Dallas and is a retreat and conference speaker, small business owner, wife, and mother of two.