1834: Hendrik De Cock's Return to the True Church (Kamps)
The author’s narrative recounts the reformation of the church in 1834, when Hendrik de Cock witnessed against the false doctrines and unspiritual character of the state Reformed church of the Netherlands. After having been unceremoniously suspended and deposed from office, he led his congregation to return to the biblical worship of God in Christ Jesus as set forth in the Reformed creeds, which represents the faith of God’s saints throughout the ages. His witness has inspired the witness of hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world until this day.
This book therefore recounts one man’s struggle against the perversions of scripture by the vast majority of ordained pastors in the state Reformed church with its million or more spiritually sleeping members. Contra mundum was the character of this struggle for the truth. De Cock’s witness therefore was a trumpet blast in the night of spiritual darkness that awakened God’s people at the morn of a new day, while at the same time it angered and galvanized the unfaithful ecclesiastical administrators in opposition. De Cock gave witness to the sole authority of sacred scripture and to the binding authority of the Reformed creeds, which for Reformed believers is derived from the binding authority of the Bible.
Table of Contents:
1. Hendrik de Cock, a Son of the State Reformed Church
2. Hendrik de Cock, a Son of a False Church Institute
3. Hendrik de Cock’s Spiritual Awakening
4. Hendrik de Cock’s Witness
5. Hendrik de Cock’s Witness to Sovereign Grace
6. Hendrik de Cock’s Deposition and Secession
7. Hendrik de Cock and His Wife
8. The Development of the Secession Reformed Congregations
9. The Significance of the Secession of 1834
Appendix A: Act of Secession or Return
Appendix B: Correspondence between Hendrik de Cock and Dirk Molenaar
Appendix C: Correspondence between Hendrik de Cock and Petrus Hofstede de Groot
Appendix D: A Defense of the True Reformed Doctrine and of True Reformed Believers, Fought against and Falsely Exposed by Two So-called Reformed Pastors
Appendix E: Opinions concerning the Charge against the Pastors of the Netherlands Reformed Church
Appendix F: The Charge against the pastors of the Netherlands Reformed Church
Appendix G: The Apology of the Ecclesiastical Secession