365 Days with Spurgeon, Vol. 3
Following the warm reception to 365 Days with Spurgeon Volumes 1 and 2, Terence Crosby has edited and selected this third volume of daily readings from the ‘Prince of Preachers.’
An outstanding feature of these extracts is the diversity of the subjects covered, and their relevance to the contemporary Christian.
365 days with Spurgeon Volume 3 also contains a useful Scripture and subject index section, together with a unique guide to where and when Spurgeon preached.
C.H. Spurgeon (June 19, 1834 – January 31, 1892) was a British Particular Baptist preacher who remains highly influential among Christians of different denominations, among whom he is still known as the "Prince of Preachers". This despite the fact that he was a strong figure in the Reformed Baptist tradition, defending the Church in agreement with the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith understanding, against liberalism and pragmatic theological tendencies even in his day.Terence Peter Crosby holds a PhD in Classics (Greek and Latin) from London University and was for some time Secretary of the Evangelical Library, London. He lives in south London with his wife, Daphne, and attends Trinity Road Chapel, Upper Tooting, as well as preaching at other local churches. Dr Crosby is the compiler of Day One’s other volumes of daily readings 365 Days with Spurgeon, My book of hobbies and God’s Book, the Bible, and the author of Greek to the Rescue, published by Quinta Press.
‘Dr Crosby has shown himself a thoroughly qualified and wise editor of Spurgeon; he is obviously wholly in sympathy with the material’ - IAIN MURRAY
‘Once again, the Christian public is indebted to Dr Terence Crosby for another selection of daily readings from the sermons of the great preacher. If the success of the previous two volumes is anything to go by, then this one will have an equally significant impact on Christians all over the world’ - DAVID J. ELLIS, from the Foreword