Bridges, Charles
A Manual for the Young is a book that combines two works by Charles Bridges suited for and directed to those in the prime of life. The first, and larger part of this work, is Bridges justly famous Exposition of Proverbs 1-9, which is extracted from his complete Commentary on the Book of Proverbs.
In his own words, in 1859 he published the first nine chapters of his exposition with the title A Manual for the Young, "in accordance with suggestions repeatedly made to me." The second, and briefer part, is called An Address to Young Persons After Confirmation, which was used for many years in both the US and the UK as a gift for those just entering the Christian life. It is a fitting conclusion to his exposition of Proverbs, and is here reprinted for the first time in more than a century.
"The Best work on Proverbs. The Scriptural method of exposition so well carried out by Bridges renders all his writings very suggestive to ministers. While explaining the passage in hand, he sets other portions of the Word in new light." - C. H. Spurgeon.
Charles Bridges (1794-1869) was one of the leaders of the Evangelical party in the Church of England in the last century. He was vicar of Old Newton, Suffolk, from 1823 to 1849, and later of Weymouth and Hinton Martell in Dorset. The Christian Ministry is Bridges' best-known literary work, but his expositions of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Psalm 119 are also highly valued.