Durham, James
A Plaine and Faithful Exposition of the Tenne Commandements by John Dod was one of the best selling books of the early 1600s. This edition of Dod's work is a facsimile reproduction of the 1617 edition printed by the Mayflower Pilgrim, Elder William Brewster, in Leyden, Holland. In this nearly 300 page work, Dod systematically examines the meaning of each one of the ten commandments in detail, drawing applications sure to bring conviction of sin to even the most godly person. As the Apostle Paul said, "I knew not sin, but by the Law." (Romans 7:7, Geneva BIble). Dod was one of the most respected of the early English Puritans. It was John Dod and Thomas Hooker between them who brought the famously melancholic Joan Drake of Esher out of her spiritual distress before her death in 1625, as recorded in A Firebrand Taken Out of the Fire. This is not a modernized edition, but appears exactly as printed in 1617. Contains introductory material on The Pilgrim Press and a brief biography of John Dod.