Chantry, Walter J.
A Treatise of Self-Denial is a Puritan Classic in every sense: it is thorough, biblical, relevant, insightful, timeless, vital, God-honoring, convicting, and immensely important reading for every Christian. It is especially important for pastors, to restore to their preaching this fundamental doctrine, which has become all but lost in our day. Manton skillfully and convincingly explores our need to deny self-dependence, self-will,, self-love, and self-seeking. We pray every Christians life will be transformed by reading and applying this truth.
Thomas Manton (1620-1677) was born in Lawrence-Lydiat, county of Somerset, England. He graduated from Oxford and began preaching the Word of God in the Church of England, until his Puritan nonconformist convictions forced his ejection in 1662 upon passage of the Act of Uniformity. From 1662 to 1670, he preached in his own house, but was finally arrested and imprisoned for six months. Subsequently he began preaching in London to merchants and tradesmen. James Ussher called him "one of the best preachers in England". His colleagues' profound respect showed in his appointment as one of the three clerks at the Westminster Assembly in 1643.