MacArthur, John
We live in a bad news world filled with relentlessly disturbing headlines – war and crime, poverty and pandemics, racism and oppression, mass murder and disaster. And we all experience discouragement in our personal lives as well – temptation and regret, pain and suffering, failure and disappointment, decline and death. Though the world is overflowing with bad news, the message of Jesus is bigger and brighter than all of it, giving us hope in the midst of every negative experience of our lives. It’s always good news!
By summarizing the gospel with the Bible’s orderly emphasis of Lord–Sin–Savior–Faith and contextualizing it with personal and powerful examples and analogies, this book shepherds the Christian toward daily spiritual health.
An incredibly striking book, which revealed to me how I had imperceptibly ‘slipped’ into wrong thinking about sin, suffering, the Lordship of Jesus, God’s love and my expectations of Christian discipleship. I wholeheartedly recommend it as a spring clean to make sure you are living and breathing the right gospel.
We all need to hear more good news – and that’s why you’ll want to keep Scott Lothery’s book close at hand. It will remind you of the greatest good news the world has ever heard: the gospel of Jesus Christ.
After the past few years, we could all use some good news. The good news about good news is that we know the gospel of Jesus Christ gives the ultimate, best news to a broken world. But more than that, the church’s call to share this good news is more urgent than ever. That’s why I’m glad Scott Lothery wrote this book. It offers practical, clear wisdom on the message and the mission we have from God.
This book is a gem! Scott Lothery masterfully unfolds the good news of Jesus Christ in such a way that it will bubble in your heart and overflow through your lips.
This little book engagingly describes the meaning of the gospel of Jesus as found in the Bible and helps us to come to a fuller, richer understanding of it. The book ends with a provocative, yet persuasive, discussion on why using the word “love” may not be the best way to summarise the gospel.
About the Author
Scott Lothery (MDiv, DMin) has been a church planter, solo pastor of a small church, senior pastor of a medium sized church, executive pastor of a large church, and lead pastor of a multi–site mega church. In every ministry, he has emphasized the Gospel of Jesus as the power of God that nourishes the Christian life.