Beale, G.K.
Biblical Hermeneutics, Second Edition: A Treatise on the Interpretation of the Old and New Testaments (Terry)
This practical textbook is "the most exhaustive single work in our language on the history of the interpretation of the Scriptures." So affirms Dr. Wilbur M. Smith, well-known Bible scholar.
Milton S. Terry's book on 'Biblical Hermeneutics' (the science of interpretation) is conveniently divided into three main areas:
- Part I -- Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics
- Part II -- Principles of Biblical Hermeneutics
- Part III -- History of Biblical Interpretation
This ideal standard textbook abstains from dogmatism and adheres strictly to the method of scientific and conscientious inquiry. It ranks as a classic in its field.
Adapted to meet the practical needs of most students studying the Word of God, 'Biblical Hermeneutics' is a model text for interpreting the Bible.
About the Author
Milton Spenser Terry was born in Coeymans, New York on February 22, 1840. He was graduated at the Charlotteville, New York Seminary in 1859, and at Yale Divinity School in 1862. After being ordained into the clergy with the Methodist Episcopal Church he held various pastorates from 1868 till 1884, when he was elected to the Chair of Hebrew and Old Testament Exegesis at Garrett Biblical Institution, Evanston, Illinois. The degree of S.T.D. was conferred on him in 1879 by Wesleyan University, and he was elected to the American Oriental Society in 1871, and in 1883 to the Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis.