Brown, Scott T.
Twelve authors have contributed to this valuable resource for training elders and deacons. The authors, ministers and professors in the United Reformed Churches in North America, have carefully explained the duties and responsibilities of elders and deacons, including practical suggestions on topics ranging from how to conduct a meeting efficiently to why it is important for the elder to know and defend Reformed doctrine.
This book includes an excellent historical overview of the development of the Reformed churches from the Reformation to today; specific advice on dealing with potential church members who do not yet understand covenant theology and infant baptism; and a study guide with coordinated lessons from Scripture, the confessions, and each chapter of this book.
It is clear that the authors consider the calling of elders and deacons to be significant. They encourage diligence on the part of elders and deacons to fill worthily the offices Christ has ordained.
"It is vital that the elder or deacon be cultivated--as well as possible--in order that he might produce good fruit for the kingdom of God. This book is designed to be a means to that end. It is in no way the final word on the training of elders and deacons. Rather, it is a collection of essays from men who possess a great concern for Christ's church. While this volume is chiefly aimed at those Reformed churches that confess the Three Forms of Unity, especially in the federation of the United Reformed Churches of North America, much of it lends itself to use in other churches, particularly those who confess the Westminster Standards." - Michael Brown, editor, from the Preface.
Contributing Authors: John A. Bouwers, Michael G. Brown, W. Robert Godfrey, Michael S. Horton, Daniel R. Hyde, Nelson Kloosterman, Randal S. Lankheet, Bradd L. Nymeyer, Ralph Pontier, Kim Riddlebarger, Derrick J. Vander Meulen, Cornelis P. Venema.