Webb, Robert A.
Table of Contents:
Part 1: Salvation as a Doctrine
1. Introduction
2. The Covenant of Grace
3. Predestination
4. Election
5. Reprobation
6. Jesus of Nazareth
7. The Messiah
8. Christological Problems
9. Mediation
10. Christ: The Prophet
11. Christ: The Priest
12. The Atonement: Its Necessity – A Summary Statement
13. The Atonement: The Theory of Satisfaction
14. The Atonement: Its Extent
15. The Atonement: Disproofs of Universalism
16. The Atonement: Disproofs of Arminian Universalism
17. The Intercession of Christ
18. Christ: The King
19. The Humiliation of Christ
20. The Exaltation of Christ
Part 2: Salvation as an Experience
21. Introduction
22. Vocation
23. Grace
24. Regeneration
25. Conversion
26. Saving Faith
27. Justification
28. Adoption
29. ‘Good Works’ in a Scheme of Grace