Beale, G.K.
These studies offer a guide into deeper study of God’s Word, one whole book at a time. Five days of questions in each lesson lead the way into careful textual study, with helpful context and commentary woven throughout. The aim is to read the Scriptures—and to learn to read the Scriptures—with ever increasing discernment, delight, and conviction.
Kathleen Nielson (Ph.D. in Literature, Vanderbilt University) has served as an English Professor, conference speaker and author.
“Through the study of the book of Colossians, Kathleen’s questions help focus the eyes of our hearts on the one in whom she finds such great delight -- the pinnacle of all study -- the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Literally – a life giving study!” - Teren Sechrist
"Dr. Kathleen Nielson has a special gift for understanding the Bible as literature, which makes her a superb guide for understanding any passage in the Old or New Testament. She is also a big-picture thinker who sees how each part of the Bible fits into the whole story of salvation. Her practical, Christ-centered Bible study guides will help you dig deeper into the Scriptures and go deeper in the knowledge of God." - Philip Graham Ryken