Langer, Richard & Jung, Joanne
The church is losing over two million children every year and they are not returning. What can parents do about this? Jesus showed us the way. Immediately following three years of making disciples, Jesus commanded us to do the same. Disciple Like Jesus For Parents offers practical, creative ways to make disciples of your children. Learn how His approach can transform your family into the image of Christ and allow you to enjoy the great blessings of children.
Table of Contents:
Part I – Are You Discipling Your Children Like Jesus?
1. The Cause of our Losses
2. Wall Street or Streets Paved with Gold?: Investing in your Children
3. Therefore Go and Make Disciples of All Your Children
Part II – Jesus told His Disciples to Follow Him While He Showed Them How to Follow God
4. Congratulations, You’re Just the Right Person for the Job!
5. Follow the Leader: You!
Part III – Jesus was with His Disciples and He Took Them into the World
6. Counting the Cost: Being with Your Children
7. The Most Important Gift to Your Children: Your Time
8. Your Home: A Discipling Community
Part IV – Jesus Constantly Taught Scripture and Showed His Disciples how to Minister
9. Teaching Scripture to your Children
10. The Ministry of Saturation
11. Applying God’s Word to Your Child’s Heart
12. Showing your Children How to Minister to Others
Part V – Jesus Sent His Disciples Out in Twos to Protect Them From Wolves
13. Big, Bad Wolves Everywhere!
14. Keeping the Wolves at Bay
15. Special Areas of Concern for Older Teens
16. Send them Out – Armed!
"Discple Like Jesus gets it. The key to reaching the world tomorrow is discipling our children today." - Rick Osborne, Best-Selling Christian Parenting Author
"Alan Melton and Paul Dean have gotten it right. If we are to see young men and women who look like Christ, then we must disciple as Christ did. Read Disciple Like Jesus for Parents and prepare to have a paradigm shift. Your children are depending on it." - Meeke Golden Addison, American Family Association, and Mother of Two
"Discple Like Jesus has the right idea. Their emphasis on parental discipleship is much needed, as we often seem to forget that one's own children provide the greatest opportunity and need for discipleship." - Dr. Christopher Cone, President, Tyndale Theological Seminary
"The training up of children and youth has always been the God given responsibility of the parents and not the Church or government. Because this is the stance and passion of Discple Like Jesus I am pleased to endorse its ministry." - Dr. Kenny Rhodes, President, Scofield Seminary and Pastor, Mable Ave Church