Every Thought Captive: A Study Manual for the Defense of Christian Truth (Pratt)
In down-to-earth language Richard L. Pratt, Jr., has given us this helpful study manual on apologetics, the task of defending the faith. Far from a theoretical exposition, this training manual teaches how to answer nonbelievers and to "take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ." Pratt shows how the biblical doctrines about humanity and our relationship to our Creator determine how we should do apologetics. Within this theological framework he examines the premises, attitudes, and specific steps involved in a genuinely biblical defense of Christianity. Illustrations and review questions help to make this a valuable tool for individual or group study.
Table of Contents
- A Firm Foundation
- Where It All Began
- The Character of Man before Sin
- The Character of Man in Sin
- The Character of Man Redeemed by Christ
- The Non-Christian Point of View
- The Christian Point of View
- Attitudes and Actions
- Popular Tactics
- Structure of a Biblical Defense
- Defending the Faith (1)
- Defending the Faith (2)
- Defending the Faith (3)
- An Apologetic Parable
"Richard Pratt has written a manual to help ordinary people engage in apologetics along the lines of Van Til’s approach. In the process he has translated the philosophical terminology of Van Tillian apologetics into everyday language. . . . both sound and stimulating." — Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
"Presents Reformed (or Van Tillian) apologetics in genuinely popular language. . . . In this respect, Pratt's book is something of a breakthrough. I would expect and hope that this accomplishment will give the book a wide hearing." — John M. Frame.
Richard L. Pratt Jr. (ThD, Harvard University) is professor of Old Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando campus.