Galatians: A 12-Week Study (Knowing the Bible) (Ziegler)
The book of Galatians is one of the apostle Paul’s most impassioned and eloquent letters. It warns Christians of the dangers of both legalism and lawlessness, calling believers to live gospel-shaped lives.
In this study, pastor Geoff Ziegler walks readers through the promises, warnings, and gospel declarations found in Galatians. Both accessible and theologically robust, this guide will help Christians find freedom in their identity as God’s adopted children.
Over the course of 12 weeks, these studies explore books of the Bible and:
- Ask thoughtful questions to spur discussion
- Show how each passage unveils the gospel
- Tie the text in with the whole story of Scripture
- Illuminate the doctrines taught in each passage
- Invite you to discover practical implications
- Help you better understand and apply God’s Word
Part of the Knowing the Bible series.
Week 1: Overview
Week 2: The Irreplaceable Gospel (1:1–2:10)
Week 3: Our Identity in Christ (2:11–21)
Week 4: Entrance Requirements (3:1–14)
Week 5: Why the Law? (3:15–29)
Week 6: From Slaves to Sons (4:1–11)
Week 7: Two Kinds of Sons (4:12–5:1)
Week 8: Danger! Turn Back! (5:2–12)
Week 9: How to Live in True Freedom (5:13–24)
Week 10: Sowing to the Spirit (5:25–6:10)
Week 11: Defined by the Cross (6:11–18)
Week 12: Summary and Conclusion
Geoff Ziegler (PhD, Wheaton College) serves as the senior pastor at Trinity Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Hinsdale, Illinois. Geoff and his wife, Jennifer, have three sons.
“Knowing the Bible brings together a gifted team of Bible teachers to produce a high quality series of study guides. The coordinated focus of these materials is unique: biblical content, provocative questions, systematic theology, practical application, and the gospel story of God’s grace presented all the way through Scripture.”
Philip Graham Ryken, President, Wheaton College
“These Knowing the Bible volumes introduce a significant and very welcome variation on the general run of inductive Bible studies. Such series often provide questions with little guidance, leaving students to their own devices. They thus tend to overlook the role of teaching in the church. By contrast, Knowing the Bible avoids the problem by providing substantial instruction with the questions. Knowing the Bible then goes even further by showing how any given passage connects with the gospel, the whole Bible, and Christian theology. I heartily endorse this orientation of individual books to the whole Bible and the gospel, and I applaud the demonstration that sound theology was not something invented later by Christians, but is right there in the pages of Scripture.”
Graeme Goldsworthy, Former Lecturer in Old Testament, Biblical Theology, and Hermeneutics, Moore Theological College
“What a gift to earnest, Bible-loving, Bible-searching believers! The organization and structure of the Bible study format presented through the Knowing the Bible series is so well conceived. Students of the Word are led to understand the content of passages through perceptive, guided questions, and they are given rich insights and application all along the way in the brief but illuminating sections that conclude each study. What potential growth in depth and breadth of understanding these studies offer. One can only pray that vast numbers of believers will discover more of God and the beauty of his Word through these rich studies.”
Bruce A. Ware, T. Rupert and Lucille Coleman Professor of Christian Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary