Get Outta My Face: How to Reach Angry, Unmotivated Teens With Biblical Counsel (Horne)
Here’s a fact: Angry, unmotivated, and disinterested teens, whether Christian or not, are confused, insecure, and often blind to everything except what they want right now. Their desires and actions have been corrupted and polluted by sin.That’s why they have a problem.
Here’s another fact: Angry, unmotivated, and disinterested teens, whether Christian or not, are made in the image of God. This means that beneath their corrupted desires and actions the image of God remains. That’s the key to solving their problem.
Far from dismissing or sugar-coating sin, this approach opens wide the door to evangelizing the unsaved teen and to helping the Christian teen grow in holiness and wisdom. This book will teach you how to build a bridge to young adults on the basis of the ways in which their desires and actions reflect the image of God and the blessing of common grace.
Table of Contents:
Part I – What You Must Understand to Connect with Your Teen
1. There Is Good Reason for Hope
2. Understanding Your Teen Biblically
3. Wise Wants: A Point of Contact
4. Your Stance: Determine to Glorify God
5. Your Stance: Remember the Log in Your Own Eye
Part II – What You Must Do to Help Your Teen
6. Listen Big: Build a Bridge to Your Teen
7. Clarify Narrow: Expose the Realities of Your Teen’s Experiences
8. Look Wide: Discover Your Teen’s Solutions
9. Plan Small: Support Changes Your Teen Wants
Part III – How to Make the Changes Stick
10. Keep the Conversation Going in the Right Direction
11. Point Your Teen to the Cross
Rick Horne, D. Min (Westminster Theological Seminary), M. Ed. (West Chester University), is Director of Guidance at Delaware Christian School, and the coordinator of the Graduate Concentration in School Guidance Counseling in the M. Ed. Curriculum and Instruction major at Columbia International University. Rick has over thirty years experience in Christian school guidance and counseling. He and his wife Betty have been married thirty-nine years and have five married children, nine grandchildren, and one high school senior.
“This book opens up a whole new universe of parenting that finds its hope and practical direction in the glory, presence, promises, and grace of God. When you rest in these things, you can weather the storm of dealing with a rebellious teenager while responding in radically new ways to the trouble that God alone is able to still.” — Paul David Tripp, President of Paul Tripp Ministries, pastor, author, international conference speaker
“Rick Horne has crafted a book full of solid biblical advice and firm compassion. He counsels us neither to neglect nor to be overwhelmed by our teens, but to confront their decisions and conduct with fairness and consistency. I highly recommend this for any parent who wants to apply God-honoring, biblical discipline when dealing with an angry teen.” — Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis, Director, The Urban Ministry Institute, Vice President of Leadership Development, World Impact, Inc.
“Rick Horne has provided a helpful resource for parents struggling with a defiant teen. Rooted in Scripture and informed by personal experience, he offers wise counsel that leads us to Christ for grace and moves us in skillful ways towards the person with whom we have conflict.” — Dr. Tim S. Lane, President, Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation