Ham, Ken & Hodge, Bodie
Evolution as an idea is considered a rock-solid truth among secular scientists, but when you begin looking at the evidence and asking simple questions, you find their conclusions to be just fragile assumptions, unproven myth, and outright misconceptions – like a glass house built on shifting sands.
Evolution is a model, hypothesis, idea, belief, or a worldview – it is not a theory, a law, a fact, or the truth. God’s Word is the truth. Darwinian evolution as an explanation for human origins is a philosophy that raises its fist at God, but ultimately fails scientifically.
A powerful team of credentialed scientists, researchers, and Biblical apologists take on the pillars of evolution in Glass House: Shattering the Myth of Evolution. The truths they reveal decimate Darwin’s beliefs using a Biblical and logical approach to evidence.
In our culture, atheists and many Christians have been deceived into believing evolution is a solid foundation. Glass House answers evolutionary claims, puts them to the test and demonstrates how they shatter. Written for laymen, Glass House addresses the origin of life, natural selection, mutations, missing links, the religious nature of evolution, and many more evolutionary myths.
Ken Ham (CEO and founder), Bodie Hodge (author and researcher) and the team of scientists at Answers in Genesis offer you a fresh look at the major arguments currently put forward to support molecules-to-man evolution. This cutting-edge book dismantles evolution argument by argument and is written at a level even a teen can understand.
Preface — Bodie Hodge and Ken Ham
Introduction: Has Evolution Infiltrated the Church?
The Basics: Evolution, Science, and Religion
1. What Is Evolution: The Three Types to Recognize
2. What Is and Isn’t Science?
3. Is Science Secular?
4. Science Fields and Methodology Came from a Christian Worldview
5. Creation vs. Evolution — Is It an Authority Issue?
6. Millions of Years: Where Did the Idea Come From?
The History and Assumptions of an Evolutionary Worldview
7. Secular, Evolutionary, and Atheistic Religions
8. Are There Different Models of Evolution?
9. Living Fossils
10. Are Similarities in Life Forms Evidence of Common Design or Common Ancestry?
The Big Four: Origin of Life, Natural Selection, Mutations, and Missing Links
11. The Origin of Life
12. What about Natural Selection?
13. Are Peppered Moths Evidence for Evolution?
14. Is a Species the Same Thing as a Biblical Kind?
15. Are Mutations the Magical Key That Makes Evolution Possible?
16. A Horse Will Always Be a Horse, of Course!
17. Isn’t the Whale Transitional Series a Perfect Example of Evolution?
18. What about Bird Evolution — Aren’t They Dinosaurs?
19. What about the Missing Links Like Lucy, Neanderthals, and Homo erectus That Prove Human Evolution?
20. What about Human Evolution?
21. Digging for “Missing Links” in the Wrong Place
More Science Arguments: Genetics and Anatomy
22. Do Humans and Chimps Share a Common Ancestor?
23. Is Human Chromosome 2 the Result of a Fusion That Supports Shared Ancestry with Apes?
24. Are Vestigial Organs Evidence of an Evolutionary Past?
Implications of an Evolutionary Worldview?
25. What About Haeckel’s Faked Embryos? How Do They Relate to Abortion?
26. What Are the Moral Implications of the Religion of Evolution?
27. Did Darwin Renounce Evolution and Get Saved on His Deathbed?
Christians and the Big Picture
28. Conclusion
Ken Ham is the founder and CEO of Answers in Genesis (U.S.), the acclaimed Creation Museum, and the popular Ark Encounter with over one million visitors annually. As one of the most in-demand speakers in North America, he has authored dozens of apologetic resources with over three million books sold. Ken's emphasis is on the relevance and authority of the book of Genesis and how compromise on Genesis has opened a dangerous door regarding how the culture and church view biblical authority.
Bodie Hodge attended Southern Illinois University at Carbondale and received a B.S. and M.S. in mechanical engineering. His specialty was a subset of mechanical engineering based in advanced materials processing, particularly starting powders. Currently, Bodie is a speaker, writer, and researcher for Answers in Genesis–USA.