Kruger, Michael J. (ed.)
With the widespread availability of English Bible translations, the question can easily be asked, Why bother with the hard work of biblical exegesis? Computers can translate foreign languages and many English translations take us very close to the original words and meaning of the Bible. But the answer is clear: the deepest truths of the Bible are found through the deepest study. This book teaches the principles, methods, and fundamentals of exegeting the New Testament, and offers examples of textual exegesis that clearly and helpfully show the value of exegeting a text well. Serious students of Scripture will benefit from using this book in their study of the Bible.
Table of Contents
Part One: Exegetical Methods and Procedures
1. Opening Questions: Definition and Philosophy of Exegesis 23
2. Laying a Foundation: New Testament Textual Criticism 33
3. Grammatical Analysis: Making Connections 57
4. Sentence Diagramming, Clausal Layouts, and Exegetical
Outlining: Tracing the Argument 73
5. Lexical Analysis: Studies in Words 135
6. Validation: Exegetical Problem Solving 155
7. Background Studies: Grounding the Text in Reality 167
8. Narrative Genre: Studying the Story 197
9. Epistolary Genre: Reading Ancient Letters 221
10. Apocalyptic Genre: Visions and Symbols 241
11. Scripture Citing Scripture: Use of the Old Testament in the
New 255
12. Theological Analysis: Building Biblical Theology 277
13. Showing the Relevance: Application, Ethics, and Preaching 293
Part Two: Exegetical Examples and Reflections
14. Mark 1:1-13: Introducing the Gospel of Mark 313
I. Howard Marshall
15. Mark 1:1-15: The Paradox of Authority and Servanthood 323
Narry F. Santos
16. Mark 7:27: Jesus’ Puzzling Statement 341
Joel F. Williams
17. Acts 8:26-40: Why the Ethiopian Eunuch Was Not from
Ethiopia 351
Edwin M. Yamauchi
18. Romans 15:9b-12: Gentiles as the Culminative Focus of Salvation
History 367
Don N. Howell, Jr.
19. Galatians 3:10-13: Crucifixion Curse and Resurrection
Freedom 377
David Catchpole
20. Ephesians 2:19-22: The Temple Motif 387
Scott S. Cunningham
21. Ephesians 5:26: The Baptismal Metaphor and Jewish Ritual
Baths 401
Helge Stadelmann
22. Philippians 2:6-7: The Image of God and the Cross of Christ 409
Timothy B. Savage
23. Colossians 1:12-20: Christus Creator, Christus Salvator 415
E. Earle Ellis
24. James 1:19-27: Anger in the Congregation 429
Donald J. Verseput
25. 1 Peter 2:2a: Nourishment for Growth in Faith and Love 441
W. Edward Glenny
26. 3 John: Tracing the Flow of Thought 449
Herbert W. Bateman IV