Frame, John M.
Short, pointed essays summarize some of John Frame’s central (and a few peripheral) ideas on theological method, apologetics, and ethics, beginning with Frame’s shortest and clearest presentation of his signature concept of triperspectivalism—the need to read Scripture from various perspectives, especially threefold perspectives that reflect the nature of the Trinity.
Table of Contents:
Part 1: Theology and Theological Method
1. A Primer on Perspectivalism
2. What the Bible Is About: One Thing and Three Things
3. The Gospel and the Scriptures
4. The Main Thing
5. What the Bible Does Not Say: Contrast in Preaching, with Thoughts about Communication, Marketing, and Prosperity Theology
6. Contrast, Exegesis, and Preaching, with Reflections on Marketing, Prosperity, Human Responsibility, and Historical Disjunctions
7. Contexts
8. The Picture Theory of Theology
9. Narrative and the Picture Theory of Theology
10. Focus
Part 2: Theological Topics
11. Introduction to the Reformed Faith
12. Reformed and Evangelicals Together
13. Is Justification by Faith Alone the Article on Which the Church Stands or Falls?
14. The Regulative Principle: Levels of Specificity
15. Dualities within Divine Covenants
16. N.T. Wright and the Authority of Scripture
17. Propositional Revelation
18. Meditation on Romans 11:33-36
Part 3: Apologetics
19. Intellectual Repentance
20. Intellectual Discipleship
21. Review of Greg Bahnsen, Presuppositional Apologetics: Stated and Defended
Part 4: Ethics and Worship
22. Simple Obedience
23. Sonship
24. Cultural Transformation and the Local Church
25. Family, Church, and State: A Triperspectival Approach
26. Might and Right
27. Why I Vote Conservative
28. The Bible and Joe the Plumber
29. Is America a Christian Country?
30. Is Plagiarism a Sin?
31. Prosperity
32. Response to Doug Moo’s Review of Doctrine of the Christian Life
33. Response to Russell Moore’s Review of Doctrine of the Christian Life
Part 5: Personal
34. A Testimony
35. Bible-Thumper
36. Remarks at Justin’s Wedding
37. 1 Corinthians 1:9: Remarks at Beverly Heights
38. Twenty-five Random Things That Nobody Knows about Me
Appendix: 100 Books That Have Most Influenced John Frame’s Thought
John M. Frame (AB, Princeton University; BD, Westminster Theological Seminary; MA and MPhil, Yale University; DD, Belhaven College) holds the J. D. Trimble Chair of Systematic Theology and Philosophy at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando and is the author of many books, including the four-volume Theology of Lordship series.
"Before the book was published, most of these rare theological, philosophical, and practical gems had been hidden away in Frame's electronic files or posted on websites and blogs not widely known to the public. Do yourself a favor and mine the rich truths in these winsome and provocative essays (written in Frame's inimitable style of robust charity) on a wide array of important topics." - Steven L. Childers, President and CEO, Global Church Advancement
“A veritable cornucopia of Frame’s theology…Frame is not afraid to slay sacred cows…if he believes they don’t pass biblical muster. Whether you have never read Frame before or have read all that he’s written to date, this book will inform, intrigue, encourage, edify, rouse, and convict you.” – P. Andrew Sandlin, President, Center for Cultural Leadership