Harrison, Darrell & Walker, Virgil
“This volume distills and preserves some of the best of their thinking about biblical Christianity; how we should understand the role of civil government; and how we need to respond to the ideological mess of pottage the church has all but traded her birthright for.” - Dr. John MacArthur
Table of Contents:
Introduction | Tom Ascol
Foreword | John MacArthur
Chapter 1 | Government
Chapter 2 | Socialism
Chapter 3 | Capitalism
Chapter 4 | A Social Savior
Chapter 5 | The Born Alive Act
Chapter 6 | Black Lives Matter and Abortion
Chapter 7 | Politics and the Black Church
Chapter 8 | Reparations
Chapter 9 | The Equality Act of 2019
Chapter 10 | Elections
“So nice I had to read it twice! As expected, Darrell & Virgil pull no punches in “Just Thinking about the State.” It is convicting, biblical, and at times, uncomfortably uncompromising. The Church needs this book, and we need it now.” - John L. Cooper | Singer for Skillet
“The unpredictable events of the past five years—and especially the last year and a half—have caused believers to give unprecedented consideration to Scripture’s teaching on the Christian’s relationship to government. Spheres of authority, church-state relations, the Christian’s role in the political process, avoiding both escapism and transformationalism, giving to Caesar what is his and to God what is His, showing compassion without devolving into the social gospel, matters of race, justice, and church unity—it has been overwhelming! So many have had to confront these issues in more practical ways than we could have imagined.
Through this tumultuous time, over and over again I have retreated to the sound, biblical counsel of my dear brothers, Darrell and Virgil. They have been God’s gifts of courage and faithfulness in a season of the church’s confusion, obfuscation, and mission drift—prophetic voices of reason to a church gone astray. This book represents the best of that sane, Scripture-saturated commentary that has blessed so many. How must believers bring the Bible to bear on our political views, our participation in the public square, and the hot-button social issues confronting the church today? _Just Thinking: About the State_ is an invaluable resource for answering those questions. Read and be blessed.” - MIKE RICCARDI, Pastor, Local Outreach Ministries, Grace Community Church