King's Arrow - Crown and Covenant, Vol. 2 (Bond)
Angus M'Kethe, a ready archer, guards sheep from scavenging crows. Loyal to his family, Angus must match wits in a life-anddeath struggle against Highlanders. By faith, Angus turns his beloved game of chess into a tool of victory. But desperate fear grips the Clan with an unexpected murder! Will Covenanters be found guilty? Angus's true test of manhood and marksmanship will come at the Battle of Drumclog!
The Crown and Covenant series follows the lives of the M'Kethe family as they endure persecution in 17th–century Scotland, and later flee to colonial America. Douglas Bond weaves together fictional characters with historical figures from Scottish Covenanting history.
Douglas Bond is author of more than twenty books of historical fiction, biography, devotion, and theology, including two adult novels translated and published by Dutch publishing houses. Bond and his wife Cheryl have been married for more than thirty years and have two daughters, four sons, and two granddaughters.
"Unleashes the reader's imagination-a rip-roaring good yarn." - George Grant, Director, King's Meadow Study Center
"Douglas Bond in King's Arrow, once again will inspire boys to become men, and men to become men of God." — R. C. Sproul Jr.