Ryken, Philip G.
Do you love Jesus more than your spouse? Your reputation? Your kids? Your health? Your job? Your money?
As Christians, we’re called to love Jesus more than anyone or anything else. But do we really do this? Emphasizing that God’s love for us is the source of our love for him, Phil Ryken challenges us to take Jesus’s words seriously and think carefully about where our affections truly lie.
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Philip Graham Ryken (PhD, University of Oxford) is the 8th president of Wheaton College and, prior to that, served as senior minister at Philadelphia’s historic Tenth Presbyterian Church. He has written or edited over 30 books, including the popular title Loving the Way Jesus Loves, and has lectured and taught at universities and seminaries worldwide. Dr. Ryken and his wife, Lisa, live in Wheaton and have five children.
“If you can believe the holy, righteous Creator and sustainer of all really cares about you and wants a relationship, then you can believe he wants you to love, as well. Phil Ryken has written a dangerous book. Drink in these thoughts, pore over these pages, but please do not keep this to yourself.”— Chris Fabry, Host, Chris Fabry Live!; author, Every Waking Moment
“I wish I could say that I read Loving Jesus More with joy, but I didn’t. I read it with grief. It exposed once again how weak and fickle my love for Jesus really is. Sadly, beneath my theological knowledge and biblical literacy is a heart that is still prone to wander. But Ryken didn’t leave me with a better understanding of what it means to love Jesus and the pain of acknowledging that I love him less. No, this book drips with the love of Jesus for me—love that is constant even when it is not reciprocated. This book balances the shocking honesty of the gospel with its glorious hope. I’m thankful for the surgery done on me through this book, and I think you will be too.” — Paul David Tripp, President, Paul Tripp Ministries; author, What Did You Expect? Redeeming the Realities of Marriage
“Phil Ryken has taught us about loving Jesus more by going deep to the truth of the Bible, by helping our hearts to be stirred up by Jesus’s love for us, and by being direct and practical about loving the Lord and his church.” — Joseph "Skip" Ryan, Minister, Park Cities Presbyterian Church; Moderator, General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America
“At the heart of Christianity is a simple passion: love for Jesus. Everything flows from this passion. And yet for most, love for Jesus is elusive. In Loving Jesus More Phil Ryken gives you a path to follow that will fan that passion into a flame.” — Paul E. Miller, Director, seeJesus; author, A Praying Life and A Loving Life