Vos, Geerhardus
The Doctrinal Differences which have Agitated and Divided the Christian Church or Old and New Theology
The historical track record of the church reveals her times of greatest liberty from persecution and Gospel proclamation also as her times of greatest peril. In those epochs, the Church actually faces her greatest foes: sadly those from within her own ranks. Well-intentioned adversaries only presume to promote kingdom interests, while they pervert its doctrines and mislead the people of god. Their persuasive aptitude to entice people to their doctrines and dispositions emanates chiefly through emotional appeals and human reasoning. Fortunately, this attraction is not universal, and a few stalwarts firmly withstand the onslaught and point out the promulgated errors.
Thus James Wood in his book Old and New Theology outlines the major doctrinal issues which precipitated the temporary division within the American Presbyterian denomination during the early to mid 19th century.
Table of Contents:
1. The character and government of God
2. God's Covenant with Adam and our relation to him as our federal head - involving the doctrine of imputation and original sin
3. The subject of the preceding chapter continued - exhibiting the New Theology concerning God's covenant with Adam as the federal head of his posterity, imputation, original sin
4. Remarks on imputation, original sin with reference to the views presented in the preceding chapter
5. The sufferings of Christ and our justification through him
6. Justification - a continuation of the preceding chapter
7. Human ability, regeneration, and the influences of the Holy Spirit
8. Human ability, regeneration continued from the preceding chapter
9. A contrast between the Old and New Theology, by way of review, and a notice of the Prefectionism of Mr. Finney
10. The measures adopted by the General Assembly for removing these errors from the Presbyterian Church
11. The acts of the General Assembly in 1837 and 1838
12. Present character and condition of the Old and New school bodies