Bavinck, Herman
Of the 98 publications that came from his pen, Reformed Dogmatics is clearly the most important and definitive work that Rev. Kersten produced with the help of the Lord. It is the outgrowth of his lectures to his theological students which he labored zealously to finish in final form the last years prior to his death...Reformed Dogmatics clearly reveals the ability which God has granted him to explain and defend the true doctrines of God's Word simply and powerfully, which truth shall yield fruits of godliness under the blessing of the Holy Spirit. It is our hearty wish and prayer that this sound work on all the major doctrines of God's Word may be blessed to many souls also in our own language, to the firm establishing of the truth in our midst, and to the up building of His church to the honor and glory of the Triune God's thrice-holy Name. – Translator’s Preface