Ham, Ken & Kinley, Jeff
Today, most Bible colleges, seminaries, K-12 Christian schools, and now even parts of the homeschool movement do not accept the first eleven chapters of Genesis as literal history. They try to fit the supposed billions of years into Genesis, and some teach evolution as fact. Our churches are largely following suit.
Ken Ham, international speaker and author on biblical authority, examines how compromise starting in Genesis, particularly in regard to the six days of creation and the earth's age, have filtered down from the Bible colleges and seminaries to pastors—and finally to parents and their children.
This erosive legacy is seen in generations of young people leaving the Church—2/3 of them. Get the facts, discover God's truth, and help bring a new reformation to the Church by helping to call it back to the authority of God's Word.
Epilogue - Returning to the Authority of God's Word
Appendix A - How Should We Interpret the Bible, Particularly Genesis 1-11? - Tim Chaffey
Appendix B - Why Should We Believe in the Inerrancy of Scripture? - Brian Edwards
Appendix C - Millions of Years and the Downfall of the Christian West - Dr. Terry Mortenson
About the Author
Ken Ham is the president/CEO and founder of Answers in Genesis - U.S. and the highly acclaimed Creation Museum. Ken Ham is one of the most in-demand Christian speakers in North America.