Spurgeon, Charles H.
Spurgeon Calvinism is the Prince of Preachers describing, defending, and applying the doctrines of grace. According to C. H. Spurgeon, “Calvinism is the gospel, and nothing else.” And in this volume, Spurgeon precisely and convincingly articulates each of the five points of Calvinism.
Table of Contents:
Foreword - Conrad Mbewe
1. A Defense of Calvinism
2. Human Depravity
Man's Inability
Stubbornness of the Human Will
The Understanding Is Darkened
Depraved Affections
Depraved Conscience
The Father's Drawings
The Practical End
3. Unconditional Election
Election Is True
Election Is Absolute
Election Is Eternal
Election Is Personal
4. Particular Redemption
Redemption from Sin
Redemption from Divine Justice
The Price He Paid
The Glorious Deliverance
5. Effectual Calling
Gracious Call
Personal Call
Hastening Call
Humbling Call
Affectionate Call
Abiding Call
Necessary Call
Effectual Call
6. Final Perseverance
Who Are These People?
What Is Meant by "Falling Away"
It Is Impossible for Him to Be Renewed
C. H. Spurgeon (1834-1892), an English Baptist pastor, preached his first sermon at sixteen. At twenty-two, he was the most popular preacher of his day, consistently addressing congregations over six thousand. He was also active in philanthropic work and evangelism and was the author of several books.
Stephen McCaskell is an award-winning filmmaker from Manitoba, Canada. His documentaries have been seen by millions of people in over 120 countries.