Kleyn, Diana
This book is the Teachers’ Guide to the following two publications by Carine Mackenzie:
1. Bible Questions and Answers for Children
2. My First Book of Questions and Answers
Teaching children from the word of God is a challenge. You need all the help you can get. This manual, and the children’s catechism it accompanies, help you explain the truths within Bible stories
But learning isn’t just a matter of reciting a list of what we know. We want our children’s learning to change their lives and hearts. We want them to have a real and living faith in their Savior. That is why this manual focuses not only on the facts but on how to teach an apply them. The interactive question and answer sections and important Christian doctrines make it an excellent teaching resource.
Children who are introduced to this material early on in their lives will be given firm foundations in scripture knowledge that they will never lose
Diana Kleyn, a mother and Sunday school teacher, shows you how to establish them a life time! Author Diana Kleyn, a former elementary teacher and choir director, is a homemaker and prolific writer of Christian literature for children. She, her husband Chris, and their three children are members of the Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan.