Garner, David B.
Amazing grace is when God justfies a sinner. but there is something even more amazing - when God adopts that sinner and includes him or her as a 'son' in his family.
Thomas Houston (1803-1882) takes us through the key doctrinal, practical and experimental aspects of the precious subject of God's adoption of sons.
Table of Contents:
Foreword by Rev. I. Macleod
Biographical Sketch of Thomas Houston by Rev. S. Steele
1. The family of God
2. The origin and nature of sonship
3. The believer's relation to God the Father
4. The believer's relation to Christ
5. The believer's relation to the Holy Spirit
6. Fellowship in the adopted family
7. The spirit of the adopted family
8. The work of the children of God on earth
9. The privileges of sonship
10. The government and discipline of the family
11. Lack of evidence of our sonship
12. The future manifestation of the sons of God
13. The Father's house
14. Practical uses of the adoption of sons
Appendix 1 - The Fatherhood of God
Appendix 2 - Manton on the witness of the Spirit
Appendix 3 - Luther on the witness of the Spirit
Appendix 4 - Behold, the Bridgegroom cometh!
"theologically profound and warmly devotional." - Prof. Edward Donnelly
"In my opinion, Thomas Houston's The Adoption of Sons is superior to all of these [contemporary] volumes and has been unduly neglected." - Dr. Joel Beeke