Warfield, Benjamin B.
Professor Thomas Witherow was educated at Belfast College in 1839-43, and later studied under Dr. Chalmers in Edinburgh. He became Pastor at Maghera, Ireland, and Professor of Ecclesiastical History, Magee College, Londonderry, in 1865. He wrote this book in 1856 that readers ” May know the scriptural grounds on which ‘the Presbyterian form of church government rests.” Several editions follower, but it is now almost unobtainable and friends in this country and U.S.A. ask for a reprint. The Publications Committee of the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland, appreciating its worth and conscious of to-day’s need of a clearer understanding of the scripture order of church government, decided to have it reprinted. This unabridged edition is issued with the expectation that it will prove, under divine blessing, instructive and helpful to many.
Statement Of The Question
Apostolic Principles
Application Of The Test
Practical Lessons