The Christian Father's Present to His Children (James)
The best gift any parent can give their children is to raise them in the discipline, nurture, and instruction of the Lord. No other inheritance will have eternal value, or will impact the world in which they live. As the author says, "The man who does not make the religious character of his children the supreme end of all his conduct towards them may profess to believe as a Christian, but certainly acts as an atheist".
The Christian Father's Present to His Children is not only a gift from a Christian father to his own children, but is a gift from the author to parents of any generation.
Table of Contents:
An Address to Christian Parents
- The Anxiety of a Christian Parent for the Spiritual Welfare of His Children
- The Dispositions Necessary for an Inquiry Into the Nature of Religion
- Right Sentiments in Religion
- The Nature of True Religion
- The Advantages and Responsibility of a Pious Education
- The Prevailing Obstacles that Prevent Young People From Entering on a Religious Life
- The Deceitfulness of the Heart
- Transient Devotions
- Decision of Character in Religion
- The Pleasures of a Religious Life
- The Advantages of Early Piety
- The Influence of Religion Upon the Temporal Interests of its Possessor
- The Choice of Companions
- On Books
- Amusements and Recreations
- On Theatrical Amusements
- On the Period that Elapses Between the Time of Leaving School and the Age of Manhood
- Public Spirit
- Female Accomplishments, Virtues, and Pursuits
- On Prudence, Modesty, and Courtesy
- Redeeming Time
- On the Obligation to Enter into Fellowship With a Christian Church
- On the Choice of a Companion for Life
- Keeping in View the Great End of Life
- The Meeting of a Pious Family in Heaven
John Angell James (1785-1859) was thus an evangelical leader in the important era between the death of John Wesley and the advent of C. H. Spurgeon. He trained at David Bogue’s College at Gosport, Hants, and served his entire ministry at Carrs Lane Congregational Church, Birmingham. His published works were numerous and their circulation was probably not exceeded by any other Nonconformist leader of that day.