The Gospel: Simple Yet Profound (McKinlay)
What is the gospel all about? This is a question that many individuals, even Christians, often ask and the answer is simple: the gospel is the good news of Jesus Christ and the way of salvation that is offered through Him. Yet in this simple answer lies profound truths as the gospel, far from being something that someone only needs to hear once, continues to be the central element in the life of the Christian. In these pages, McKinlay takes the reader on a journey through the meaning of the gospel so that believers can better understand what the gospel fully entails.
“Sound doctrine is always profound because it reflects the majesty of God. Yet it is simple only when explained by a gifted writer. Both qualities are to be desired in a book which aims to feed the saint and convict the sinner. Both are found in this book which I am happy to commend to all who want sound doctrine affectionately presented."
Maurice Roberts | Retired Minister in the Free Church of Scotland Continuing; Former Editor of the Banner of Truth magazine (1988-2003).
“Neil McKinlay has given us a wonderfully clear summary of the gospel and of the key biblical doctrines which support it. Readers will benefit from his strong focus on the gospel as the great work of God in history, His completely trustworthy and effective answer to the utterly hopeless and helpless situation of sinful humanity. The book also very helpfully points out what the gospel is not, in simple terms which are easy to understand - a critical task in every age. "
Dr. Andrew Bain | Vice-Principal, Queensland Theological College, Brisbane, Australia.
"Neil McKinlay, in his new work, The Gospel: Simple Yet Profound, hits it out of the ballpark, as we Americans say. He lays out the foundational truths of the gospel and its implications in a thorough, yet easy to follow way. A great primer for a study of the Scriptural doctrines of grace."
John Owen Butler | Pastor, Lebanon Presbyterian Church, South Carolina, USA.
"Neil McKinlay, pastor, army chaplain, and writer is above all an evangelist. In this book, he draws on his ministry experience to combine, in a wonderfully conversational style, a Gospel presentation, with its underpinning in sovereign grace alone, and a systematic sweep of the flow of Biblical theology. Scripture illuminating Scripture is on every page. This is a book to give new believers with the confidence that their gospel foundations will be reinforced, the focus of their faith will be properly confirmed, and their wonder at the scope of redemption, in both time and eternity, deepened. Oh, and those long in the faith will benefit too."
Graham Nicholson | Pastor, Hawthorn Presbyterian Church, Victoria, Australia.