
The Gospel's Power and Message - Recovering the Gospel (Washer) - POLISH
One of the greatest crimes of this generation of Christians is its neglect of the gospel, and it is from this neglect that all our other maladies spring forth. Absent from too many pulpits are the essential themes which make up the very core of the gospel—the justice of God, the radical depravity of man, the blood atonement. In The Gospel’s Power and Message, Paul Washer addresses these essential elements of Christ’s good news and provides a guide to help us rediscover the gospel in all its beauty, scandal, and saving power. May such a rediscovery transform your life, strengthen your proclamation, and bring the greatest glory to God.
Table of Contents:
Part One: An Apostolic Introduction
1. A Gospel to Know and Make Known
2. A Gospel to Be Received
3. A Gospel by Which We Are Saved
4. A Gospel of First Importance
5. A Gospel Handed Down and Delivered
Part Two: The Power of God for Salvation
6. The Gospel
7. A Scandalous Gospel
8. A Powerful Gospel
9. A Gospel for All Who Believe
Part Three: The Acropolis of the Christian Faith
10. Making Much of Sin
11. Making Much of God
12. Sinners One and All
13. Sinners Falling Short
14. Sinners Through and Through
15. Righteous Indignation
16. Holy War
17. A Most Costly Gift
18. The Divine Dilemma
19. A Qualified Redeemer
20. The Cross of Jesus Christ
21. The Vindication of God
22. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
23. The Foundation of Faith in the Resurrection
24. Christ’s Ascension as the High Priest of His People
25. Christ’s Ascension as the Lord of All
26. Christ’s Ascension as the Judge of All
Series Description
The Recovering the Gospel Series addresses the essential elements of the good news of Jesus Christ, many of which are neglected in contemporary Christianity. It is the hope of the author that these words might be a guide to help you rediscover the gospel in all its beauty, scandal, and saving power. It is his prayer that such a rediscovery might transform your life, strengthen your proclamation, and bring the greatest glory to God.
Paul Washer ministered as a missionary in Peru for 10 years, during which time he founded the HeartCry Missionary Society to support Peruvian church planters. Paul now serves as one of the laborers with the HeartCry Missionary Society (www.heartcrymissionary.com). He and his wife Charo have four children: Ian, Evan, Rowan, and Bronwyn He has written many bestsellers, including the Recovering the Gospel series and The Gospel of Jesus Christ tract.
“In these days of insipid, man-centered, ear-tickling preaching, we need Sons of Thunder who fear God and faithfully preach His word without fear of consequences. My friend, Paul Washer, is one such man. May God use this book to reach the lost and to glorify His name.” — Ray Comfort, author of Hell’s Best Kept Secret and The Way of the Master
“Style-conscious evangelicals have done a lot of tinkering in recent decades to try to make the gospel seem more appealing or more palatable. All the sharp corners have been carefully sanded off and the message made as small as possible. It has then been wrapped in thick layers of foam so that no one can ever be hurt or offended by it. “In The Gospel’s Power and Message, Paul Washer unwraps the gospel and displays its various facets in all their vivid glory. This book is a thoughtful, poignant reminder that the message Christ commissioned us to proclaim is neither spongy nor trivial. Nor can it be improved by human revision. The gospel may be a stumbling block to some and seem like foolishness to others—but to those who are called, it is the power and the wisdom of God.” — Phil Johnson, executive director of Grace to You
“I am profoundly thankful for the courageous clarity of The Gospel’s Power and Message by Paul Washer. Christians today seem to have the false impression that the gospel is all about us—a wonderful plan for our lives; a means of finding peace, joy, or personal fulfillment; the way to get to heaven. Those blessings (and many more) are aspects of every true gospel-believer’s birthright, of course. But they are not the point or the main objective of the message. The gospel is about God and His eternal glory. That is where it starts, and that is where it takes us in the end. Preached rightly, the gospel convicts and humbles every human heart. It underscores the exceeding sinfulness of our sin. It rebukes even our most laudable works of righteousness. The gospel is simple enough for a child to grasp, but its truths are inexhaustible. “In short, the gospel is the best of all good news and the most important message anyone has ever proclaimed. Paul Washer strikes all the right notes in this powerful, biblical study.” — John MacArthur, pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, and author of The Gospel According to Jesus
"The word gospel is on the lips of many these days, but few truly understand its essential content, depth and nature. In this outstanding volume Paul Washer masterfully opens up from the Bible the heart of the gospel, giving us an invaluable resource for our lives. This book is a wonderful gift to the church and like no other that I have seen on this subject. It should be read by every Christian but especially those who labor in the ministry, for it will greatly assist them in being faithful proclaimers of God's good news message to a lost and fallen world." — Rob Ventura, Pastor, Grace Community Baptist Church, North Providence, Rhode Island, co-author of A Portrait of Paul
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„Jestem niezwykle wdzięczny za śmiałość i jasność treści książki Moc i przesłanie Ewangelii autorstwa Paula Washera. Dzisiejsi chrześcijanie żywią mylne przekonanie, jakoby Ewangelia była w całości o nas – jako wspaniały plan dla naszego życia, sposób na odnalezienie pokoju oraz osobistego spełnienia, droga do odnalezienia nieba. Oczywiście te błogosławieństwa (jak i wiele innych) są aspektami przyrodzonego prawa każdego prawdziwie wierzącego w Ewangelię. Ale to nie one są głównym punktem odniesienia i najwyższym celem przekazu. Ewangelia jest o Bogu i Jego wiecznej chwale. To tutaj ma ona swój początek i prowadzi nas w tym do samego końca. Głoszona poprawnie, Ewangelia niesie sercom pewność i pokorę. Wyraźnie podkreśla niezmierną grzeszność naszej skażonej natury. Gani nawet nasze najbardziej chlubne uczynki prawości. Ewangelia jest na tyle prosta, że nawet dziecko może ją pojąć, ale zawarte w niej prawdy są niewyczerpane. Mówiąc w skrócie: Ewangelia jest najlepszą ze wszystkich dobrych wiadomości i najważniejszym przesłaniem, jakie kiedykolwiek było głoszone. Paul Washer uderza we właściwe punkty w tym potężnym biblijnym studium”.
– John MacArthur, pastor Grace Community Church w Sun Valley w Californii, autor książek Ewangelia według Jezusa, Inny ogień oraz Doktryna biblijna.
Paul Washer służył przez dziesięć lat jako misjonarz w Peru. Założył wówczas misję HeartCry Missionary Society, której zadaniem jest pomoc osobom zakładającym Kościoły. Paul Washer służy obecnie jako jeden z pracowników HeartCry Missionary Society. Wraz z żoną Charo mają czwórkę dzieci: Iana, Evana, Rowana oraz Bronwyna.