McLaughlin, Ra
Many of us know a lot about Jesus’s earthly life—but we don’t often stop to think about the things he said and did beforehand, the things he’s saying and doing now, or the things he’ll say and do in the future. This book takes a big-picture approach. Who is the Son of God? Why did he choose to be born as Jesus? What did he accomplish during his time on earth? How will his return fulfill God’s plans for history? What does any of that have to do with our lives today? As you learn more about Jesus, may your love and appreciation for him increase and your life become a clearer reflection of his.
Produced by Third Millennium Ministries for a global, multilingual, evangelical audience, the books in the Christian Essentials series make highly vetted, master’s-level theology clear, personal, and accessible to a broad spectrum of readers.
Ra McLaughlin (MDiv, Reformed Theological Seminary) is chief financial officer and vice president of operations, finance, and delivery at Third Millennium Ministries. He serves as an adjunct professor at Seminary for the Third Millennium and has also taught at New Geneva Theological Seminary’s location in Egypt. He contributed to and edited the NLT Discover God Study Bible (Tyndale, 2007; ECPA Christian Book Award winner) and the NIV Spirit of the Reformation Study Bible (Zondervan, 2003; ECPA Gold Medallion nominee). He has written numerous courses within Third Millennium Ministries’ seminary curriculum and authored hundreds of articles on thirdmill.org.
Christopher Caudle (MA, Reformed Theological Seminary) is rector of New Covenant Church in Winter Springs, Florida. He was ordained as a priest in the Anglican church in 2009. Prior to his ordination, he worked as a curriculum writer for Third Millennium Ministries.
“Theologically rich . . . immensely valuable.” — Daniel Akin
“What a robust and rich view of Jesus we discover within the pages of this book! Each chapter is full of deep doctrine, yet short enough to be read in about fifteen minutes. You will find both profound theological truths and deep comfort for your heart.” — Abby Ross Hutto
“A rock-solid, intelligible, and faithful guide to meeting the Jesus of the Bible. This book bears biblical witness to the Savior of the world through a chorus of learned scholars and pastors.” — Michael J. Glodo