Witmer, Timothy Z.
Husbands and dads play a crucial role in the health and survival of the family. That's why leadership expert Tim Witmer has written this book—to strengthen our efforts to lead well. He applies a biblical framework to the role of leadership in the home, showing how effective shepherding involves "knowing, leading, protecting, and providing for your family"; all the while communicating solid principles with a down-to-earth, relatable tone.
Find in this book the wise counsel and practical direction that is sure to make a difference in your family today.
Table of Contents:
Part 1: The Shepherd Knows His Family
1. An Introduction to Knowing Your Family
2. The Shepherd Knows His Wife
3. The Shepherd Knows His Children
Part 2: The Shepherd Leads His Family
4. An Introduction to Leading Your Family
5. The Shepherd Leads His Wife
6. The Shepherd Leads His Children
Part 3: The Shepherd Provides for His Family
7. Material Provision
8. Spiritual Provision
Part 4: The Shepherd Protects His Family
9. Protecting Your Marriage
10. Protecting Your Children
“Dr. Witmer’s The Shepherd Leader has been a huge encouragement to me and to my elders as we seek to be more faithful shepherds to our congregation. Now comes this helpful book: The Shepherd Leader at Home. In it, Witmer provides biblical, complementarian, practical direction for knowing, leading, providing for, and protecting our families. As a pastor, one of the five principle things I aim to do is to 'promote family religion.' That is, perhaps, a quaint way of emphasizing that godliness in the home is vital to the health of the local church. This book is a useful aid to that end. I commend it to you warmly.” - J. Ligon Duncan, Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, Mississippi; John E. Richards Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary; President, Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
“With marriage and the family under present-day pressures, it takes a wise man to think and write well about being a husband and father under God. This book reveals Dr. Witmer as just such a wise man, and makes his wisdom available to us all. Highly recommended.” - J. I. Packer, Board of Governors' Professor of Theology, Regent College; author, Knowing God
“Another book on marriage and family life? Yes, but this one is different. It is short, but not easy; practical, but also deeply realistic; honest, but also warm. Also, thankfully, for all that Dr. Witmer is—seminary professor, preaching pastor, author, father, and husband—here is one thing he never pretends to be, namely Guru! Perhaps that's why this is such a wonderfully encouraging book.” - Sinclair B. Ferguson, Professor of Systematic Theology, Redeemer Seminary, Dallas, Texas