The Supremacy of God in Preaching (Piper)
This newly revised and expanded edition of this classic preaching resource is the essential guide for preachers who want to stir the embers of revival. John Piper has added valuable new material reflecting on his thirty-three years of preaching at Bethlehem Baptist Church, offering a glimpse of what a lifetime of putting God first has done for the faith of the hundreds of thousands who have heard him preach over the years.
Table of Contents:
Part One: Why God Should Be Supreme in Preaching
1. The Goal of Preaching: The Glory of God
2. The Ground of Preaching: The Cross of Christ
3. The Gift of Preaching: The Power of the Holy Spirit
4. The Gravity and Gladness of Preaching
Part Two: How to Make God Supreme in Preaching: Guidance from the Ministry of Jonathan Edwards
5. Keep God Central: The Life of Jonathan Edwards
6. Submit to Sweet Sovereignty: The Theology of Edwards
7. Make God Supreme: The preaching of Edwards
Part Three: After Thirty-Three Years: God Still Supreme in Preaching and Ministry
8. Jonathan Edwards Thirty-Three Years Later: Clarifications and Confirmation
9. In Honor of Tethered Preaching: John Calvin and the Entertaining Pastor
10. Preaching as Concept Creation, Not Just Contextualization
11. Thirty Reasons Why It Is a Great Thing to Be a Pastor
John Piper is founder and teacher of desiringGod.org and chancellor for Bethlehem College and Seminary, Minneapolis. For thirty-three years, he was pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church. He is author of more than fifty books, including Desiring God and Let the Nations Be Glad!
"The Bible is not a book of practical suggestions on how to live a better adjusted life. The Bible is a revelation of God. The Supremacy of God in Preaching reminds preachers of what we easily forget to our peril and the peril of the people in our care." -- Haddon Robinson
"Calls us back to a biblical standard for preaching, a standard exemplified by many of the pulpit giants of the past, especially Jonathan Edwards and Charles Spurgeon." -- Warren W. Wiersbe
"John Piper passionately and prophetically calls all preachers to make God supreme over any method and in every message. The plan is too simple for a fallen world to notice and too powerful for a faithful preacher to ignore." -- Bryan Chapell
"The Supremacy of God in Preaching is one of the few truly indispensable books on gospel ministry." -- Philip Graham Ryken
"Occasionally, among the myriads of books for ministers, a work appears so seminal to the preacher's calling that it can safely be said: 'This is a must-read.' The Supremacy of God in Preaching is such a book." -- Sinclair B. Ferguson
"Here's a book that every preacher should read at least once a year. This book is a powerful antidote to the unbalanced, self-centered preaching of today." -- Erwin W. Lutzer