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Near to the Broken Hearted (Martin)

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Good Book

This book has been written to help heartbroken parents know and feel the nearness and tenderness of God when they are facing the loss of a child. It takes long, satisfying looks at truths and stories from the Bible, helping you to know and be comforted by God the Father as he walks with you through your darkest seasons.

The authors write with honesty, experience and compassion to encourage those who are crushed in spirit to lean heavily on Jesus. They give lots of practical advice on processing and praying through grief as well as clarity on some of the difficult questions raised by this kind of suffering.

Readers can choose whichever chapters are most relevant to their situation. There is something here for those who have just heard the news that their child is very ill, and for those who lost a child some time ago; for those who are asking painful questions, and for those seeking practical advice; for mothers carrying a pregnancy that will likely end in loss, and for family members wondering how to help their loved ones in their grief.


Dan and Anna live in Gateshead, North East England with their three children. Dan is one of the pastors at Grace Church Gateshead, an independent evangelical church. Anna is a part-time Urgent Care GP. In 2019 their son Jed died aged 3 weeks old. Their experience of the Lord’s grace to them in that time gave rise to the book, Near to the Broken-hearted.


This steady and faithful guide will lead you to the word of God, it will assure you of the character of God, and it will comfort you with the purpose of God. -Tim Challies, Blogger; author, Seasons of Sorrow

This book is a help not only for grieving parents but also for those called to help bear with them the burdens of such loss. And that call is for all of us. - Russell D Moore, Editor in Chief, Christianity Today