D'Aubigne, J.H. Merle
Does anyone today know who John Blahoslav was? Who has ever read anything he wrote? Who would be interested in the struggles of old Reformation theology? Who would have the fortitude to plough through the Old Czechs language?
Not only was Marshall Brown able to handle the difficult Slavic language at such a level that he could draw from primary sources, but in addition he has proven himself to be a brilliant expert in the theological and historical links to the Czech Reformation.
Readers have in their hands the fascinating story of a man who devoted his life to bringing his nation closer to God in truth and learning...it's possible to say that among all Czechs it would be hard to find such a hard-working, learned, courageous and at the same time devout, man as John Blahoslav.
Many of the questions and struggles with which John Blahoslav and his contemporaries had to contend are still current today. The church must answer them again and again for each generation. Marshall Brown's book is a wonderful guide and source of inspiration in the search for the answers.
Table of Contents:
M. T. Brown, MA, PhD. was born in Oregon, USA. Married, with three children, he has lived in the Czech Republic since 1989. He co-founded the Czech Society of Evangelical Theologians. He teaches Theology and other subjects for the Czech Evangelical Theological Seminary in Prague and for Martin Bucer European School of Theology. He is an ordained pastor.
"M. T. Browns text on John Blahoslav is designed as an instructive book for the religiously enlightened and receptive reader. It is not meant to be a biography. However, it does show a mosaic of lifes journey, as a secondary plan, while presenting the main pillars of his work. It sketches and progressively defines the fundamental traits of Blahoslavs personality from the perspective of his translation, linguistic, rhetorical, and musical abilities, and above all from his religious convictions. The justification for these noble claims about Blahoslavs work is shown through extensive citations. The account demonstrates a trustworthy knowledge of the original editions of the works introduced as well as key secondary literature. With careful reading, it is possible to understand the reasons for the authors deep admiration of the subject of the monograph. At the same time, the texts structure enables one to read individual chapters and shorter sections independently, to contemplate them, and yet not lose the connecting thoughts. New arguments in different variations, like a spiral, are presented to support the authors conviction that Blahoslavs work of translating the Scriptures into the Czech language was part of Gods design for Blahoslav." - RNDr. Jan Králík, CSc., Czech Language Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences