Sing a New Song: Recovering Psalm Singing for the Twenty-First Century (Beeke)
The book of Psalms occupies a unique place in Scripture, being both the Word from God and words to God from His people.
Unfortunately, psalm singing no longer plays an integral part of worship in most evangelical churches. In this book, thirteen well-respected scholars urge the church to rediscover the treasure of the Psalms as they examine the history of psalm singing in the church, present biblical reasons for the liturgical practice, and articulate the practical value it provides us today.
Table of Contents:
Foreword —W. Robert Godfrey
Part 1: Psalm Singing in History
1. From Cassian to Cranmer: Singing the Psalms from Ancient Times until the Dawning of the Reformation — Hughes Oliphant Old and Robert Cathcart
2. Psalm Singing in Calvin and the Puritans — Joel R. Beeke
3. The History of Psalm Singing in the Christian Church — Terry Johnson
4. Psalters, Hymnals, Worship Wars, and American Presbyterian Piety — D. G. Hart
Part 2: Psalm Singing in Scripture
5. Psalm Singing and Scripture — Rowland S. Ward
6. The Hymns of Christ: The Old Testament Formation of the New Testament Hymnal — Michael LeFebvre
7. Christian Cursing? — David P. Murray
8. The Case for Psalmody, with Some Reference to the Psalter’s Sufficiency for Christian Worship — Malcolm H. Watts
Part 3: Psalm Singing and the Twenty-First-Century Church
9. Psalm Singing and Redemptive-Historical Hermeneutics: Geerhardus Vos’s “Eschatology of the Psalter” Revisited — Anthony T. Selvaggio
10. Psalm Singing and Pastoral Theology — Derek W. H. Thomas
11. Psalmody and Prayer — J. V. Fesko
Joel R. Beeke (PhD, Westminster Seminary) is president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary; a pastor of the Heritage Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan; editor of Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth; editorial director of Reformation Heritage Books; and a prolific author.
Anthony T Selvaggio (J.D. The University of Buffalo School of Law; M.Div., Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary) currently serves as a visiting professor of Biblical Studies at the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh, PA. He is also Theologian in Residence at the Rochester Reformed Presbyterian Church in Rochester
“This volume explores the rich historical, biblical, theological, and pastoral contexts that inform a commitment to the prayerful use of biblical psalms in Christian worship today. The book challenges those who sing psalms exclusively to understand the strengths of their tradition. It challenges those who sing hymns primarily to reconsider their neglect of the Psalms. Above all, the volume invites all readers to reconsider the beauty of biblically shaped prayer and the astonishing grace offered us by a God who not only calls us to offer worship but also guides and inspires us in learning how to worship.” —John D. Witvliet, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan
“It is sad that much of the contemporary church does not know her own history of worship and how vital the singing of psalms has been to her worship. This book not only lays out that history but provides biblical, theological, and christological reasons that show the benefit of singing psalms today. A recovery of psalm singing in worship will enable God’s people to express themselves fully in worship, not only by singing the hymns of praise but also by expressing the sorrows and struggles of life through the laments. This book is not just for those who want to exclusively sing the psalms but will be beneficial to everyone who wants to enrich their worship through the singing of psalms.”—Richard P. Belcher, Jr., Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, North Carolina