The Application of Redemption (Hooker)
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In The Application of Redemption, Thomas Hooker (1586–1647) explains the doctrine of conversion from sin and self to the salvation in Christ. Knowing that the sinner will not turn to God while his heart is self-satisfied, Hooker examines the way that God brings about a “contrite and humble spirit” fit for His dwelling (Isaiah 57:15). While Hooker spends much space discussing conviction of Sin, he is equally quick to hold forth the all-sufficiency of God in Christ.
- The heart must be humble and contrite before the Lord will dwell in it
- Stubborn and bloody sinners may be made broken-hearted sinners
- There must be a true sight of sin, before the heart can be truly broken for it
- A plain and particular application of special sins by the ministry of the Word is a special means to bring the soul to a sight of, and sorrow for them
- Meditations of sins is a special means to break the heart of a sinner
- The same dispensation of the Word which is powerful and profitable to some, is unprofitable unto others
- The Lord sometimes makes the Word prevail most, when it’s most opposed
- Sins unrepented of, and continued in, make way for piercing and perplexing terrors
- The terrible to a guilty conscience
- Gross and scandalous sinners God usually exerciseth with heavy breakings of heart before he brings them effectually to himself
- Sorrow for sin rightly set on, pierceth the heart of the sinner thoroughly
- They whose hearts are pierced by the Word, are carried with love and respect to the Minsters of it
- Sinners in distress of conscience are ignorant what they should do
- A contrite sinner sees an absolute necessity of coming out of his sinful condition
- There is a secret hope wherewith the Lord supports the hearts of contrite sinners
- They who are truly pierced for their sins do prize and covet deliverance from their sins
- True contrition is accompanied with confession of sin, when God calls thereunto
- The soul that is pierced for sin is carried with a restless dislike against it