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Joel Beeke's Statement on Roe vs. Wade

Joel Beeke's Statement on Roe vs. Wade

Posted by Joel R. Beeke on 26th Feb 2024

We rejoice and give praise to God that the Supreme Court of the United States struck down the Court’s horrific 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. Since this deadly error was forced upon our nation, more than 60 million children have been slaughtered in their mothers' wombs. We have long grieved over this tragedy, especially knowing that our government had declared to be a “right” what God says is terribly wrong. Today we celebrate life!

However, our joy should not cause us to regard our work as done but further steel our resolve to continue to stand for life. We recognize that the Court did not rule on the morality of abortion but simply declared that the United States Constitution establishes no right to abortion, and the previous ruling of the Court had no basis. As the Court states in its majority opinion, “Roe was egregiously wrong from the start. . . . It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.”

Therefore, even as we sing praises to the Most High who rules over the kingdoms of men, we must continue to pray and labor that the murder of the unborn would find no protection in the laws of our nation or any state or municipality in it but would be properly condemned and punished by civil authority. And we must continue to pray for God’s saving grace for the men and women involved in this heinous evil—that they will repent and that the blood of the children will be washed from their souls by the blood of the Lamb. Let us remember, too, that this moment is not about the victory of one party over another, much less an occasion of boasting in human strength, but about the glory of the God who made human beings in His image, giving all people unspeakable dignity from conception to the grave. Even if the advocates of abortion vilify us and attack us, let us show them the love and peace of Christ, who reigns forever.