EBOOK Is the Trinity Practical? - Cultivating Biblical Godliness Series (McGraw)
Series Description
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones once said, “The world today is looking for, and desperately needs, true Christians. I am never tired of saying that what the Church needs to do is not to organize evangelistic campaigns and attract outside people, but to begin herself to live the Christian life. If she did that, men and women would be crowding into our buildings. They would say, ‘What is the secret of this?’”
Many people who are new to the church need instruction in the most basic aspects of godly living. Even where churches are engaged heavily in discipleship, visitors and members often have gaps in their understanding and practice. One of the greatest needs of our time is for the Spirit of God to cultivate biblical godliness in us in order to put the glory of Christ on display through us, all to the glory of God the Father.
The Trinity is an important doctrine, yet many Christians perceive it as difficult to understand and irrelevant to their Christian lives. Author Ryan McGraw explains that the Trinity is the foundation of the gospel, which we must come to understand as the work of all three divine persons - Father, Son, and Spirit. He shows us, in practical application, the ways that we grow in grace and piety as we learn to apply the truths of the Trinity to our daily walk with God.
Does the Trinity Matter?
What Does Trinitarian Devotion Look Like?
The Father
The Son
The Holy Spirit
Drawing a Picture of Communion with God
How can we Apply the Trinity Practically?
“At first glance, this booklet’s title may well strike you as odd—it did me! If, as Calvin said, divine triunity is ‘God’s distinctive mark,’ the wording seems to ask, Is God practical? But the title is getting at something extremely important. The doctrinal affirmation that within the Godhead there are three persons—wholly coequal and all fully divine—is not an arcane element of the Christian faith with little or no significance to the actual living of the Christian life. Rather, as Ryan McGraw ably shows by means of the Scriptures, this truth about God is utterly essential to Christian growth and maturity. As such, this is a welcome addition to the growing body of Reformed literature about the Trinity.” — Michael A. G. Haykin, professor of church history and biblical spirituality at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
About the Author
Ryan M. McGraw is associate professor of systematic theology, Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary.