Schortinghuis, Wilhelmus
This book presents a clear explanation of the main topics of the Reformed faith. Written in the catechetical style of question and answers, the book is noted for its succinctness and ample references to Scripture. The forty brief chapters are characterized by careful doctrinal distinctions, and each one concludes with a question or two asking what the particular subject means for the faith and spiritual reflection of the reader. For today's readers, it is both an ideal representation of the Dutch Further Reformation's attention to doctrine and piety, as well as an invitation to carry on that spiritual legacy.
Series Description
Classics of Reformed Spirituality Series offers fresh translations of key writings from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, making them accessible to the twenty-first century church. These writings from the "Further Reformation" in the Netherlands offer a balance of doctrine and piety, a mingling of theology and life that has seldom been equaled in the history of Christianity. Each book in this series will provide invaluable insights into a vibrant part of the Christian heritage.
"Many will surely welcome this new access to the Dutch authors whose strong writings put faith and certainty into generations of their fellow countrymen. By their closeness to Scripture and their concern for heart and head (heat and light), they remain of enduring value."
—Ian H. Murray, author of The Puritan Hope.
"The rich heritage of Reformed spirituality is long overdue for renewed attention. the Dutch Reformed Translation Society has done a great favor by making these translations available."
—Luder G. Whitlock Jr, president, Excelsis
"I am delighted that the Dutch Reformed Translation Society is at last making this material available in the English language. It is a landmark feature of our Reformed heritage, and it is rich food for the soul in this or any other age."
—J. I. Packer, Regent College
About the Editor
James A. De Jong is emeritus President and Professor of Historical Theology at Calvin Theological Seminary.
About the Translators
Harry Boonstra is a retired theological librarian at The Hekman Library, Calvin College and Seminary.
Gerrit W. Sheeres is a retired pastor in the Christian Reformed Church.
About the Author
Wilhelmus Schortinghuis (1700-1750) was one of the final leaders of Dutch Further Reformation.