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The Heritage Blog

Phillis Wheatley’s True Voice

Phillis Wheatley’s True Voice

Posted by Simonetta Carr on 8th Feb 2021

“Somewhere Phillis Wheatley is smiling on Amanda Gorman,” someone tweeted after Gorman’s recitation of her poem at Joe Biden’s inaugural speech. “The poet Phillis Wheatley would be proud,” tweeted an … read more
True Contentment is Godliness

True Contentment is Godliness

Posted by Thomas Watson on 29th Jan 2021

The following article is adapted from Thomas Watson’s classic on Christian contentment, The Art of Divine Contentment. Watson takes Philippians 4:11 as the basis for his treatise and guides … read more
Even When Society Disintegrates, Joy

Even When Society Disintegrates, Joy

Posted by Thomas Parr on 21st Jan 2021

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea (Psalm 46: … read more
Bear Your Cross Willingly

Bear Your Cross Willingly

Posted by Campegius Vitringa on 14th Jan 2021

Cross-bearing is a phrase that our Lord used for emphasis: “If anyone will come after Me, let him deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow Me” (Luke 9:23; see also Matt. 10:38; Mark 8:34). Th … read more
Don't Neglect the Christ of Revelation

Don't Neglect the Christ of Revelation

Posted by Stanley D. Gale on 7th Jan 2021

Imagine you’re going off to college. Your parents have included a letter in your luggage that you discover once you have arrived and begun unpacking. The letter contains counsel to you at this stage … read more