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The Heritage Blog

What is Christian Discipleship?

What is Christian Discipleship?

Posted by Hensworth Jonas on 15th Mar 2024

In contemporary popular Christianity, many church members are nominal Christians. They are ignorant of the faith’s biblical foundations, the history of the church, and the content of classical Christ … read more
Revival Screening in Romania

Revival Screening in Romania

Posted by R. D. Norman on 21st Jul 2023

Many years ago Robert Murray M’Cheyne visited Iasi (then called Jassy), Romania. He writes of his time in this area of the world:“Our journey led us through Moldavia, Wallachia [areas now united as R … read more
Seeking the Bread of Life

Seeking the Bread of Life

Posted by Kevin Hay on 13th Jul 2023

What does it mean to follow Jesus? Countless multitudes from all over the world profess to be named among Christ’s followers. Yet, the rationale for why they follow and the nature of what it means to … read more
Taste and See

Taste and See

Posted by Riley Toews on 5th May 2023

“Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!”— Psalm 34:8 —What is it to taste the goodness of the LORD? Jonathan Edwards (quoting an unnamed philosopher) points ou … read more