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The Heritage Blog

Sola Scriptura: The Heart of the Matter

Sola Scriptura: The Heart of the Matter

Posted by William Whitaker on 12th Apr 2024

During the Reformation, one of the leading defenders of the Protestant view of the Bible was William Whitaker. In his A Disputation on Holy Scripture, Whitaker went blow-for-blow with the leading Rom … read more
Thriving in Grace (All of Life for God)

Thriving in Grace (All of Life for God)

Posted by Joel R. Beeke on 10th Apr 2024

Chapter OneThe Puritans Help Shape Our Lives by the Authoritative ScripturesIn Bunyan’s famed Pilgrim’s Progress, Christian is escorted into a private room in the Interpreter’s House. The Interprete … read more
3 Reasons for Christ's Ascension

3 Reasons for Christ's Ascension

Posted by Christopher Love on 29th Mar 2024

The Saint's Advantage by Christ's Ascension and Coming Again from Heaven by Puritan Christopher Love encourages believers to embrace some of Christ’s most surprising words: “Nevertheless I tell you t … read more
What is Christian Discipleship?

What is Christian Discipleship?

Posted by Hensworth Jonas on 15th Mar 2024

In contemporary popular Christianity, many church members are nominal Christians. They are ignorant of the faith’s biblical foundations, the history of the church, and the content of classical Christ … read more
More than a Social Gospel

More than a Social Gospel

Posted by Alex Di Prima on 8th Mar 2024

Understanding the proper relationship between gospel proclamation and social ministry is a matter that has been notoriously fraught for many Christians throughout church history. This is especially t … read more