Ellsworth, Roger
Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians was directed to a deeply troubled church in the midst of a very challenging world. The problem was that the church was contaminated by society’s sins and confused in its thinking.
If this sounds hauntingly familiar it is because it hits perilously close to home. Today’s church finds herself in a frighteningly secular world, one in which paganism is aggressive and militant. Opportunities are great but the church often seems to be as contaminated and confused as the church at Corinth.
Paul’s letter is a clarion call to the Christians in Corinth and to Christians today to come away from contamination and confusion and to function as salt and light.
About the Author
Roger Ellsworth is the pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church, Benton, Illinois. He has served as trustee of South-Eastern Baptist Seminary, North Carolina, and president of Illinois State Baptist Association.