A Guide to Go to God (Gouge)
An Explanation of the Perfect Pattern of Prayer, the Lord's Prayer
William Gouge was a prominent member of the Westminster Assembly. This is his work on The Lord’s Prayer, first published in 1625. It is the first reprinting of this book in nearly 400 years.
Table of Contents:
Foreword by Derek Thomas
1. The Excellence of the Lord's Prayer
2. The Manner of Handling Every Petition
3. The Second Petition
4. The Third Petition
5. The Fourth Petition
6. The Fifth Petition
7. The Sixth Petition
8. The Second Part of the Prayer: Praise
“Gouge’s treatment of the Lord’s Prayer ranks with older treatments by John Calvin, Thomas Watson, Richard Baxter, and Herman Witsius, as well as more recent treatments by R.C. Sproul, J.I. Packer, and Albert Mohler.” — From the Foreword by Derek Thomas