Harman, Allan M.
An excellent commentary for pastors and teachers preparing to work through Acts
This volume is a welcome addition to the EP Study Commentary series. Dr. Waters approaches Acts in a way that is theological, yet straightforward and clear. Application sections show how the redemptive-historical events during the time of Acts still apply to the church today.
Table of Contents:
1. Prelude to Pentecost (1:1-26)
2. Pentecost (2:1-47)
3. Power and preaching (3:1-26)
4. Persecution and prayer (4:1-31)
5. Attacked from within, attacked from without (4:32-5:42)
6. Growing pains (6:1-7)
7. Blood of the martyrs, seed of the church (6:8-8:1a)
8. From Jerusalem and Judea to Samaria (8:1b-40)
9. Grace abounding to the chief of sinners (9:1-31)
10. The gospel to the Gentiles (9:32-11:18)
11. Coda (11:19-12:25)
12. The first missionary campaign (13:1-14:28)
13. Conflict, council, consensus (15:1-35)
14. The second missionary campaign (15:36-18:23a)
15. The Third Missionary Campaign (18:23b-20:38)
16. To Jerusalem, to Caesarea (21:1-23:35)
17. Caesarea (24:1-26:32)
18. From Caesarea to Rome (27:1-28:31)
Guy Prentiss Waters is Professor of New Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Miss., USA, where he has served since 2007, and a Teaching Elder in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). Previously, from 2002 to 2007, he was Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies at Belhaven University, Jackson, Miss.
"Guy Waters’s Study Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles is exegetically and theologically sound, cogently reasoned and clearly written. I highly recommend this commentary to pastors and teachers preparing to preach and teach Acts, and to anyone interested in a readable exposition of Luke’s unique account of the risen Lord Jesus’ words and deeds through his chosen witnesses." - Dennis E. Johnson Ph.D., Professor of Practical Theology, Westminster Seminary California
"In an age of multiplying commentaries, some of them very technical and some exceedingly popular, Guy Waters has contributed a mid- level work that is robustly theological, written in straightforward English, and designed to be edifying. This is a commentary that will make many friends among serious Bible readers." - D. A. Carson Research professor of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and co-founder (with Tim Keller) of The Gospel Coalition
"Dr. Waters is the ideal commentator on Acts. Scholarly, pastoral, theological — all these and more combine in making this my first resource for Luke’s second volume. An outstanding contribution to the series and deserving of the appellation, 'Essential'!" - Derek W. H. Thomas The Robert Strong Professor of Systematic and Pastoral Theology, RTS Atlanta; Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, SC