Analysis of HermanWitsius' Economy of the Covenants.
The Economy of the Covenants is Witsius's magnum opus. He wrote it to promote peace amongst theologians who were divided on covenant theology. Witsius sought to be a theologian of synthesis who strove to lessen tensions between Christians. Covenants between God and man are essentially one-sided in that they are initiated by God. However they also require human responsibility in order to be implemented. Whilst being one-sided in initiation they are two-sided in administration. God's covenants are his main means of interacting with his creation in a broad sense yet Witsius also shows that a wrong view of the covenants leads to serious error in our concepts of salvation.
This book is an outline analysis of Witsius's work. It is a companion to the original to be read in conjunction with it. Using this book you will be able to see how Witsius's arguments progress subject-by-subject. By analyzing the work in outline you will be able to grasp the essence of the factors involved in explaining the origin and effects of God's covenants with his creation.
The analysis outline of Economy of the Covenants can be used as:
- A ‘Cliff notes’ study guide. For beginning Christians, Witsius’s writing style may seem a bit ominous. A quick read of our outlined analysis will substantially ease the reading of Witsius
- A group study guide. Bible study groups often evolve into theology study groups. Assisted by this outline, Witsius’s Economy of the Covenants would make a great study for budding theologians.
- A quick reference guide. It is a handy tool for looking up Witsius’s arguments for limited atonement or his discussion on the contrast between the old and new covenant.
"The excellent writings of Herman Witsius were once regarded as standard works. It is a very welcome event that Witsius is now being introduced to today's readers. I wish the book a wide circulation and great usefulness." - Maurice Roberts
“No theologian ever expressed the nature of the Covenant of Grace more experientially than Herman Witsius…this splendid summary has made his work accessible to a new generation.” – Geoff Thomas.
Joel R. Beeke (PhD, Westminster Seminary) is president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary; a pastor of the Heritage Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan; editor of Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth; editorial director of Reformation Heritage Books; and a prolific author.