EBOOK An Honest, Well-Experienced Heart: The Piety of John Flavel - Profiles in Reformed Spirituality - EBOOK (Embry, ed.)
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An Honest, Well-Experienced Heart introduces us to the life and writings of Puritan preacher and author John Flavel (1627–1691). In his brief, introductory biography, Adam Embry discusses Flavel’s background, ministry, and theology of keeping the heart, which, for Flavel, “is the great business of a Christian’s life.” Centuries ago, Flavel wrote, “Above all other studies in the world, study your own hearts.” Embry guides us through forty-two short passages from Flavel’s writings that acquaint us with this dedicated Puritan minister’s piety and help us see the importance of this great business of keeping and managing our hearts.
Table of Contents:
The Piety of John Flavel (1627–1691)
Section One: Christ Rules the Heart
1. To Win and Gain the Hearts of Sinners
2. Shutting up the Heart against Christ
3. The Great Design and Aim of the Gospel
4. A Throne in the Hearts of Men
5. Jesus Christ Most Heartily Approved
6. Consolations for an Opened Heart
Section Two: Keeping the Heart
7. Above All Other Studies
8. The Great Business
9. The Pained Place
10. The Most Difficult, Constant, and Important Work
11. A Sincere Christian in His Closet
12. The Best Schoolmaster
13. Furnish Your Hearts Richly with the Word
14. Soul Work Is Preferred
15. My Naughty Heart
Section Three: Seasons of the Heart
16. Death of a Child
17. Death of a Spouse
18. Prosperity
19. Adversity
20. The Church’s Troubles
21. Fear and Danger
22. In Times of Need
23. Distraction during Religious Duties
24. Abuse from Others
25. Anger
26. Temptation, Part 1
27. Temptation, Part 2
28. Spiritual Darkness
29. Suffering for Religion
30. Willingness to Die
Section Four: Discerning the Heart
31. The Aim of Our Hearts
32. The Hypocrite’s Abstinence from Sin
33. The Saint’s Abstinence from Sin
34. The Hypocrite’s Hatred of Sin
35. The Saint’s Hatred of Sin
36. The Hypocrite’s Sorrow for Sin
37. The Saint’s Sorrow for Sin
38. The Saint’s Struggle with Sin
39. Wrongly Censuring Your Heart
40. Questions to Judge Sincerity
41. Deep Trials of the Heart
42. A Blessed End
Reading Flavel
A Hymn upon Romans 5:6–11
Series Description
Seeking, then, both to honor the past and yet not idolize it, we are issuing these books in the series Profiles in Reformed Spirituality. The design is to introduce the spirituality and piety of the Reformed Profiles in Reformed Spirituality tradition by presenting descriptions of the lives of notable Christians with select passages from their works. This combination of biographical sketches and collected portions from primary sources gives a taste of the subjects’ contributions to our spiritual heritage and some direction as to how the reader can find further edification through their works. It is the hope of the publishers that this series will provide riches for those areas where we are poor and light of day where we are stumbling in the deepening twilight.
Adam Embry lives in Louisville, Kentucky, with his wife, Charlotte, and their three children. He is a graduate of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and has been an assistant pastor of Auburndale Baptist Church since 2007.
“John Flavel blended skillfully a robust Reformed theology with a warm-hearted Puritan piety. This made his writings both profound and simple. I pray that Adam Embry’s primer on Flavel’s work will promote a new generation of thoughtful readers intent on loving Christ more.” — Ryan McGraw, pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church in Conway, South Carolina